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Online Skills Audit Tool

Subscribed members now have access to our unique Online Skills Audit Tool. The tool allows the generation of audit worksheets that can be printed or exported.

The tool allows the generation of audit worksheets that can be printed or exported. A detailed skills audit is a vital requirement for successful CVs and resumes. With the ability to create new worksheets for all instances of previous employment, qualifications, projects, training and hard and soft skills, and the ease of adding sentence elements quickly, the Online Skills Audit Tool now makes using MyCVBuilder.Com even easier, saving you lots of valuable time.

Each audit sheet can be printed in a friendly format, for archiving, or it can be exported in plain text format, allowing you to store you own skills audit for local updates.

MyCVBuilder continues to add value to its service and is committed to adding to its already powerful features with innovation and simplicity.

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